Our training is NOT about how to DESIGN, DECORATE OR stage homes,

but on how to successfully Operate a home INTERIOR business

Hi … I’m Alicia Guerrieri, and I am here to assist You with how to run your home interior business operationally…

Let me guide you on how to run a successful, high-growth home interiors business by becoming operationally astute. I will share with you the proven strategies, processes, techniques and templates that I have refined over 13 years while running my own home interior business.

Whether you are a newbie in the business and have just graduated from interior design school, or a seasoned pro in decorating or staging, the information presented in this online training course will assist you in growing your business to new heights by becoming operationally efficient.

I assume you know the “art” of designing, decorating or staging a home.  I have developed this course to help you create the operational infrastructure for your business. Read more about Alicia Guerrieri.

Who is a “HIPSTER”?

A “HIP”-STER is a Home Interior Professional who provides services in residential interior design, home decorating and/or home staging

Is this for me?

Who is this course designed for?

6 Modules of Proven Business Strategies including:

Module 1: Marketing Strategies

Module 2: Social Media Marketing

Module 3: Customer Relationship Management System

Module 4: Accounting

Module 5: Supplemental Revenue – Building a Concierge Program / Vendor Network

Module 6: Supplemental Revenue – Design Work for Stagers or Staging Work for Designers

There are plenty of online decorating and staging certification courses. This training focuses on sharing strategies and processes to develop operational savviness in your business.

You will receive a HIP Certification once coursework is completed.

What Will You Learn


Coaching, Counseling, Consulting

Unlimited… One-on-One coaching, counseling or consulting with Alicia Guerrieri. These sessions are based on your individual needs, challenges and goals.

Need help developing your value proposition? Reviewing phone scripts? Creating your power point presentations?

Get your SPECIFIC questions answered on how to OPERATE and TRANSFORM your business at

What You Get:

This is the ONLY program that provides hands-on, individual assistance in operationally running a home interior business
  • Each Monday, receive a 30 minute snippet on how to grow and operate your business – we call these snippets “Monday Money Makers”
  • Access to Unlimited…One-on-One Coaching, Counseling, Consulting
  • Subscribe for only $30 per month

See what past trainees have had to say:

Let me assist you on how to optimize and GROW your home home interiors business!

What are you waiting for?

Get started on your journey as a “HIPSTER” by enrolling to learn how to grow your business by integrating proven strategies, processes and techniques.